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We help teams conquer fear to drive personal, professional and business growth. Our proprietary programs are built upon the Fearless Fundamentals: Confidence, Communication, Connection, Control, and Culture. Those pillars are the foundation for upskilling with inclusivity, empowerment and leadership woven in.

Fearless Fundamentals infographic.jpg
Jennifer Willey leads a Wet Cement training session.


Empower and unite your team while supporting their professional development.
Our insights-to-action approach is data-driven and customized for your team's challenges and needs.
Download our Course Catalog to discover how our programs can drive change in your organization.  

Proud to be a preferred training partner of the Interactive Advertising Bureau

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Jenn Willey leads a SheRunsIt training workshop.



Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 




Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

International Women's Day 2025: Accelerate Action with Bold Steps For Gender Equality That Drive Real Change

Intended Audience: Customizable for entry-level female professionals to senior executives

This International Women’s Day, it’s time to move beyond conversation and into bold, lasting action. “Accelerate Action” isn’t just a theme—it's a call for everyone, not just women, to drive gender equality forward. True progress demands that we break systemic barriers, not just celebrate the day with pink cupcakes and panels.

In this dynamic and engaging keynote, Jennifer Willey, CEO of Wet Cement, will inspire your organization with research-driven, actionable strategies to drive cultural transformation. This session is about changing mindsets and behaviors with proven tools that empower everyone to step up, while building inclusive leaders and allies.

What makes this different?
This keynote goes beyond inspiration. Attendees will leave with practical steps they can apply immediately, from addressing unconscious bias and advocating for others to helping women overcome self-doubt and take leadership roles with confidence. Every attendee will also receive an #AccelerateAction Guide that details how they can apply what they’ve learned in the session, regardless of their gender or role.

Key Takeaways:

  • Inclusion for All: Engage men, women, and non-binary colleagues in the conversation.

  • Identify and Break Barriers: Understand the hidden biases that slow progress and how to disrupt them.

  • Actionable Tools for Change: Learn practical strategies for dealing with microaggressions, managing and mentoring inclusively, and creating psychological safety across teams.

  • Empowering Women: Encourage self-advocacy, leadership and confidence-building skills for women in your organization.

  • Sustained Impact: Learn how to integrate these strategies beyond IWD, embedding inclusive practices into daily operations and leadership development.


This isn’t just another motivational speech. It’s a blueprint for how everyone—regardless of gender or role—can take meaningful steps to accelerate action, close equity gaps, and create a workplace where everyone can thrive.

Join us and be part of the change. Let’s build an inclusive future—one bold action at a time.

Schedule an exploratory call for your upcoming event here or at

Advance Women At Work: Women's Leadership & Empowerment

Intended Audience: Customizable for entry-level female professionals to senior executives

Our gender identity determines how we approach work and professional relationships, but it also means employees who identify as women face a variety of specific challenges that can hold them back from achieving their potential.  Women are held to a different set of standards (aka the ‘Double Bind’) that require them to communicate differently from their male counterparts.  Women also face a lack of sponsorship and are often excluded or diminished through words and/or behaviors.  At the same time, women are hungry to learn how to negotiate more effectively, advocate for themselves and share their most creative and innovative ideas without facing judgment or interruptions. When you help women navigate their internal roadblocks and external barriers, you achieve measurable and meaningful change.  Countless research studies show faster decision-making and an increase in innovation. And women who feel empowered, heard and included are less likely to leave their jobs.


Informed by original research developed with behavioral scientists from Wharton and delivered via an applied-learning format, Advance Women at Work offers inspiring and actionable content to help women be more fearless at work and in life. We survey your team and then design an in-depth program focused on the “Fearless Fundamentals” of Confidence, Communication, Control, Connections and Courage.  Your customized curriculum dives deepest into the biggest challenges, areas of need and growth opportunities.  The combination of inspirational and actionable insights, exercises and small group work results in mindset and behavioral changes that accelerate advancement while driving better business results.

Attendees will leave with:


  • An understanding of what’s holding them back and strategies to overcome personal roadblocks

  • More confidence and a plan for developing necessary skills and strategies to fulfill their mission  

  • Methods to communicate more assertively to enhance credibility and impact

  • A roadmap to advance their careers by developing a Personal Board of Directors

  • And much more… depending on your team’s specific needs



Learn more about our signature Advance Women At Work program and Advance Women At Work Japan

Advance Women At Work logo

Advance Women At Work: Manager Training for Next Generation Leaders

Intended Audience: Customizable for mid to senior-level female managers and executives

In this age of transformation and disruption, leading with purpose and without fear is critical to thriving.  Female leaders are uniquely positioned to succeed given inherent feminine strengths, including EQ and social-relational skills. But they still face a myriad of internal and external barriers that hold them back from achieving their potential. Research shows they are less likely to interrupt others as they share their ideas, but they are more likely to be interrupted. Women are more prepared, yet avoid taking risks because they are afraid they are not prepared enough. They are social but less inclined than men to form strategic networking relationships. They lift each other up, but consistently struggle to advocate for themselves.


This Level II workshop explores these contrasts and offers valuable insights, skills, and alternative strategies to help attendees accelerate their success.  The training is relevant for every modern female leader, whether their purpose is to break through that glass ceiling to effect meaningful change, build their own business, or align their current company to purpose.   


Attendees will leave with: 

  • A roadmap to identify their purpose  

  • Real business examples of how world-class leaders and companies are driving innovation

  • Techniques for reducing bias and interruptions in the workplace

  • Strategies to leverage strategic alliances and relationships that help advance their mission

  • A tactical plan to apply what they’ve learned so they can inspire and lead from the inside out

Innovation Through Inclusivity: How to Build an Inclusive Culture 

Intended Audience: Executives, Mid-Level Management, DEI teams, and/or HR Leaders 

The race for talent and innovation is on.  As the rate of change accelerates, companies can survive and thrive by leading with purpose, embracing change, and fostering collaboration.  Millennials and Generation Z demand inclusive cultures, and research show it boosts bottom-line results. Businesses that value diverse perspectives, set a clear mission for ALL their stakeholders and offer employees a more fulfilling work/life balance will attract valuable new talent. Whether you are a business leader or HR professional, you will learn key variables in the Inclusivity Equation to design programs that grant you a competitive edge.


This program reviews the hallmarks of inclusive leaders and provides actionable strategies to cultivate a diverse and equitable culture of belonging.  We will cover free and inexpensive ways you can engage, connect and empower your talent at every level, while also looking externally to diversify your supply chain and partnerships. 

Attendees will:

  • Understand the latest research on how diverse teams are accelerating growth and returns

  • Leave with strategies to build more inclusive teams for their own companies

  • Develop a plan that traverses team communication, culture, talent acquisition, and advancement

Innovation Through an Inclusive Mindset

Audience: General

In today’s dynamic business environment, it is critical that employees re-imagine how they embrace change, collaborate, and take risks.  Your team needs to confidently pursue new opportunities with higher-level decision-makers and fresh channels for growth while operating without all the answers in a way that resonates with potential partners.  This interactive workshop provides your team with the building blocks to be confident, agile, and collaborative.  

Attendees will leave with: 

  • Inspiration on how the most successful, innovative companies adapt and take risks

  • Insights into how diverse teams deliver better business outcomes and drive higher innovation revenue

  • An understanding of how others who lack confidence can self-sabotage and limit creativity, innovation, and growth

  • Simple methods to create a psychologically safe environment and encourage collaboration

Allyship & the Modern Male Leader: How to Build a Culture of Inclusion and Empowerment

Intended Audience: Male professionals and leaders

Cultivating an inclusive culture is a top priority for ‘modern leaders,’ but it is easier said than done.  Sexual harassment and unconscious bias training are just the first steps in creating an organization where everyone can thrive equally.  Male executives and managers are expected to build collaborative cultures that drive innovation, engagement, loyalty, and the bottom line, but they aren’t given a playbook on how to make that happen.  Until now.


In this helpful, supportive, and non-judgmental program, we provide 'the good guys' with an insider’s look at the top growth barriers for women, the science behind it, and what they can and should do, to achieve gender equity. We help the men in your organization tackle the necessary attitudinal, operational, and behavioral changes, including topics like non-promotable work, the double bind, the broken rung, microaggressions, and meeting interruptions, among others. Your team will learn new strategies to help female reports and colleagues be more empowered and effective while promoting an inclusive culture.

Attendees will leave with:

  • Knowledge of the top factors holding women back from achieving their potential and what they can do about it

  • A better understanding of the Gender Issue Spectrum--from harassment to microaggressions

  • A plan to shift how they operate across key leadership functions including talent recruitment, pay and promotion equity, culture and team dynamics

  • Simple methods to create a psychologically safe environment and encourage collaboration

Disability Inclusion: How to Build a Connected Culture for Employees of All Abilities

Intended Audience: General

People living with disabilities are the one type of marginalized group that traverses color, gender, sexual preference, age, and ethnicity. Disability inclusion is about more than accessibility; it’s about equality of opportunity and respect for the right for people with disabilities to preserve their identities. But it's not just good for humanity—it's good for business to develop a culture where everyone can thrive as new research shows that companies are profitable 4x faster when their teams include people with disabilities.


Progressive companies are now recognizing the importance of educating employees and prioritizing investment in this area to overcome attitudinal barriers and evolve corporate culture.  This new keynote is a critical first step for organizations starting this journey to understand the value of disability inclusion, the challenges employees with disabilities may face, and how everyone can foster an inclusive, psychologically safe culture where all employees can thrive.   


Attendees will walk away with new strategies to enhance: 

  • Culture – Employees will recognize how a culture of inclusivity drives innovation, business growth, and productivity.

  • Confidence – Your team will know how to ‘fear less’ when working with colleagues, partners, and clients with disabilities, regardless of whether those disabilities are visible or invisible. We will address how living with a disability can cause Impostor Syndrome to surface and how that may manifest for employees with disabilities.

  • Communication – Everyone will understand best practices for communicating with employees who are blind, deaf, have low vision or hearing, or have mobility issues. That includes asking for the support they need if they are living with a disability or learning how to effectively communicate with disabled colleagues and partners.

  • Connection – Leaders will discover how they can engage and include employees across a spectrum of disabilities in all critical business decisions, from marketing and recruiting to facilities and communications.

  • Control – If you live with a disability, we will address ways you can take control of your environment to make it easier for your company and colleagues to support you and your goals. 

Jenn Willey leads a Wet Cement training workshop.


Anchor 2


Evict the Impostor: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome and Improve Confidence

Intended Audience: General

Have you ever thought of yourself as a fraud or a fake, waiting for others to ‘find out’ that you aren’t really as smart or talented as everyone thinks you are?  If you haven’t personally felt this way, your team members probably have.  Impostor Syndrome affects the majority of women at work, but men struggle with it too.  The vast majority of professionals secretly lack confidence at work, identify with one or more Impostor Syndrome types, and are hungry for strategies to overcome their own limiting beliefs.  Imposter Syndrome holds high-performing, intelligent, and creative people back from achieving their potential and can wreak havoc on team dynamics.  Those touched by the impostor wand withhold their best ideas, shy away from promotions, delay taking action, burn themselves out, and compromise the team.  This workshop provides effective methods to build confidence and manage Impostor Syndrome so that together we can overcome roadblocks that prevent us from reaching our goals.


Attendees will leave with:

  • An understanding of how pervasive Impostor Syndrome is and why it matters

  • The ability to identify various Impostor Syndrome types and how to manage each one

  • Strategies to improve their own mindset and behaviors

  • Methods for managing team members who suffer from low self-confidence or Impostor Syndrome

  • A plan to build an ongoing Confidence Catalog to thrive in the face of self-doubt


As a Licensed Associate of the Impostor Syndrome Institute, Wet Cement can also deliver the Rethinking Impostor Syndrome training, developed by the award-winning researcher and author Dr. Valerie Young.  Learn more about this proven program. 

Build Your Personal Board of Directors: How to Advance at Work Through Allies and Advocates

Intended Audience: General

The relationships you forge along the road to success can have a tremendous impact on your professional growth.  Research shows that men are more likely to build sponsor and mentor relationships to help them navigate tricky political situations at work and position themselves for promotions.  All too often women are told “they should find a mentor or sponsor’ but aren’t sure where to begin or how to do this in an authentic way.  The result is that women are ‘slipping’ on the proverbial “broken rung” and not promoted at the same rate as their male colleagues.


This valuable and actionable workshop makes it easy for women to map out a plan of who can help them on their professional journey and how to build those win-win relationships.  Attendees will identify the critical role sponsors, mentors, peer thought partners, allies, and protégées play in supporting their careers.  Participants recognize their personal career growth needs, learn the value that each member of a personal board can provide, and build a network of trusted partners who will share a vested interest in their future.   

Attendees will leave with:

  • An understanding of how a personal Board of Directors can help them meet their career goals

  • A clear view of their top developmental priorities and the ‘gifts they have to give to mentor others

  • A roadmap of how to identify each type of board member and the role he/she plays

  • Strategies to help them approach potential advocates and win their support  


Network Like a Natural: How to Build Connections and Thought Leadership  

Intended Audience: General audience

If you would rather have a root canal than attend a networking event, you’re missing out on critical opportunities to identify allies, build your personal brand and connect with potential customers/clients and seasoned executives who can help accelerate your career.  Are you afraid of selling yourself, seeming inauthentic, or facing rejection?  Do you struggle with conversation starters?  If so, this workshop is designed for you.


We begin by shedding the fear--breaking down the barriers that foster discomfort, anxiety, and insecurity.  Next, we review actionable strategies to overcome those roadblocks and make it easy to unleash the fearless networker within so you can build authentic win-win relationships based on trust, commonalities, and support.  Finally, we craft a three-pronged strategic plan that empowers participants to maximize networking opportunities at work, at industry events and conferences, and online through social media.  Even the savviest of networkers will benefit from fresh strategies to create a proactive Networking Plan that becomes a daily pursuit vs an event-specific task.  

Attendees will leave with:  

  • A purposeful Networking Plan to execute online and in-person 

  • Techniques to forge new, mutually beneficial connections and refresh existing relationships

  • Methods to engage allies and unite others to advance their mission – and have fun along the way

How to Achieve Work/Life Integration

Intended Audience: General 

In today’s fast-paced world, many struggle to balance the demands of work, family, social commitments, and personal well-being, all while pursuing happiness and meaning. With so much on our plates, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by competing priorities and never-ending to-do lists. And seamlessly integrating work and life becomes a bigger challenge during busy seasons—whether it's business planning or holidays—when both professional and personal responsibilities multiply. 

This workshop helps participants develop a plan to achieve the elusive work/life integration we all aspire to. Attendees will create their own “Blue Sky Blueprint,” learning how to prioritize, strategically say “No,” and explore ways to delegate and/or streamline tasks to their benefit. We’ll review the latest technology that can save time and help participants optimize their own work/life integration. Finally, we’ll share easy-to-implement ideas to support physical and emotional well-being.

Attendees will:

  • Identify and articulate their purpose to guide priorities.

  • Map out a plan to achieve true integration and fulfillment in their lives.

  • Learn how to maximize their time, minimize distractions, and leverage technology to improve work/life integration.

  • Collaborate and share tips to pursue personal passions and make time for what matters most.

Self-Advocacy: How to Champion Your Needs   

Intended Audience: General 

We are often our own worst enemy instead of our own best champion.  Learning how to represent yourself so you can pursue your passions and goals starts with knowing yourself, your needs, and your plan to fulfill those needs. This session helps you find and harness the power of your voice so you can develop the courage and skillset to follow your mission.  Learn how to conquer limiting beliefs and core “enemies” like distractions, drama, energy drains, and detractors that compromise not only your progress but your confidence in yourself.  Then you are free to focus on developing and adhering to your leadership plan that will define your success.


Attendees will:

  • Identify people, issues, and activities draining their emotional energy so they can shift focus to goals and priorities

  • Draft a Personal Business Plan to identify and articulate their mission moving forward

  • Design their Blue Sky Blueprint™ to power their purpose and achieve their goals

Career Pathing + Progression: Own Your Journey to Professional Success

Intended Audience: Early to mid-career professionals

Navigating the labyrinth of career advancement can be a daunting endeavor, filled with uncertainty, complexity, and often, a sense of isolation. Recognizing that career progression is an area where many women seek targeted guidance, this workshop arms participants with actionable strategies to shape their professional futures with courage, conviction, and a well-defined purpose.


As a hallmark feature of the program, attendees will receive a tailored resource we refer to as their "Personal Career Plan." This invaluable playbook is structured on the foundational principles that underpin any effective business plan yet is specifically adapted to serve individual career aspirations and trajectories. This program also includes a dynamic panel discussion featuring esteemed leaders and emerging talents within your organization. Together, we will unearth invaluable insights into their career paths and share proven tactics for career growth. As we foster an open dialogue on personal experiences and challenges, we simultaneously cultivate an environment of psychological safety, enabling all attendees to feel empowered to take control of their career advancement.


Attendees will:

  • Develop a “Personal Career Plan” to guide their professional growth

  • Walk away with the courage to proactively take control of their career

  • Enlist others to help them evaluate options and open doors 

  • Learn how to factor in logistics and positioning to set themselves up for success while minimizing issues for their manager and team 


How to Build Your Leadership Brand

Intended Audience: General 

Brands spend millions of dollars marketing their benefits to potential customers, but most of us don't realize, let alone promote, the value of our own personal brand. If people with power and influence aren't aware of your strengths and unique skills, you will miss out on opportunities for growth and advancement.  This interactive workshop provides strategies to represent yourself with authenticity and confidently articulate your value. Attendees will learn how to find and establish their voice so they can develop the courage and skillset to follow their mission.  Participants will discover ways to become more self-aware so they can build a leadership plan that develops their personal brand.  They will also learn how to leverage social media to establish themselves as thought leaders and secure speaking opportunities that can elevate their profile. 


Attendees will:

  • Identify their personal and professional sense of purpose and build an actionable plan to authentically build their brand

  • Draft a "Be Your Own Brand Manager" Plan focused on the unique benefits that position them apart from the competition

  • Craft and deliver a Personal Brand Statement to sell themselves and network with confidence

  • Understand how to evangelize their accomplishments in smart, meaningful ways that advance their mission

Anchor 3

Business Skills 

Leveraging AI to Boost Confidence and Impact at Work and Life
Intended Audience: General

In an era where technology is a critical tool in our professional and personal lives, understanding and utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a game-changer. This workshop explores how generative AI can empower you to break down barriers and achieve your goals with actionable steps that accelerate your growth.


Key Takeaways:

  • Boost Confidence: Learn how AI can provide data-driven insights and support, bolstering self-assurance across a variety of situations that hold you back from achieving your potential.

  • Facilitate Communication: Discover how AI tools can help you craft effective, assertive and persuasive communication.

  • Forge New Connections: Recognize how AI can improve networking and help you capitalize on relationships you build at industry conferences, events and through LinkedIn.

  • Take Control in Challenging Situations: Learn how AI can help you be a more strategic negotiator and navigate complex situations.

  • Foster an Inclusive Culture: Discover how AI can help identify and mitigate biases while cultivating a more equitable and inclusive work environment.


Learning how to harness the power of tech to create an empowered and inclusive culture helps minimize fear around AI while improving impact and confidence for you and your team.


Special Note: While this workshop is AI platform-agnostic, we will demonstrate various applications using ChatGPT. To maximize your learning experience, we recommend downloading ChatGPT before attending or come armed with your platform of choice (Claude, Gemini, Microsoft Copilot or Meta AI).

Fearless Sales: Pitch To Win--Sales Communications and Coaching for Growth

Intended Audience: Sales, Business Development & Client Service professionals

Wet Cement's Fearless Sales: Pitch to Win Training and Coaching Program
Wet Cement | Make Your Mark

Wet Cement's Fearless Sales: Pitch to Win Training and Coaching Program

Did you know that one out of four people suffers from the fear of public speaking? Even if your team is composed of fearless speakers, everyone on the front lines can benefit from learning how to polish their delivery, position your offering for success and project the confidence, power, and charisma that wins business every single time.  This workshop moves beyond the basics of verbal and non-verbal delivery training to help your team nail WHAT to say and HOW to say it.  Our Fearless Five Fundamentals method focuses on Strategy, Content, Delivery, Confidence, and Connections, so your team is prepared to tackle the next big pitch.  This signature program can integrate 1:1 coaching to supplement group training; every participant and his/her manager receives a Personal Development Plan so leaders understand how to effectively coach team members moving forward.

Attendees will:​

  • Develop verbal and non-verbal skills to engage through storytelling, metaphors, and imagery 

  • Represent your brand with renewed confidence and build a reputation for your business

  • Lead by listening to develop valuable emotional connections

  • Tap into their ‘Confidence Champions’ to sell with conviction

  • Proactively plan to captivate their audience from the moment they walk in the door through their follow-up email

Learn more about Wet Cement's signature Pitch to Win program here.

Fearless Negotiations: How to Prepare and Position Your Ask to Achieve Your Goals

Intended Audience: General 

Does ‘negotiation’ sound like a dirty word to you?  Does it make you anxious because you equate negotiating with haggling over a used car or flea market find? Have you convinced yourself you lack the skills to drive a negotiation, so you hesitate to make or accept an offer? If these questions resonate with you or your team, then this workshop can provide the strategies needed to confidently strike a deal in your best interests. Our in-depth curriculum is based on academic research, our own proprietary data and decades of experience negotiating complex, eight-figure deals.  Our 12-point Negotiation Plan empowers you to develop and deploy an insight-driven approach to maximize value and relationships, whether you apply them to contract negotiations, promotions, organizational needs or your personal life.  We address psychological barriers along with the art and science of negotiation, so you leave with fundamental skills to fearlessly pursue your desired outcome.  

Attendees will:

  • Understand their numbers before the negotiation to assess reciprocal value and gain control 

  • Frame the conversation and concessions to maximize their outcome

  • Learn how to adapt a win-win mindset where both parties achieve their objectives

  • Craft a plan to build long-term, positive relationships that increase trust and credibility

New Manager Playbook Program

Intended Audience: New Managers 

Companies that thrive through adversity recognize that middle managers are responsible for some of the most mission critical activities within the organization--attracting and retaining talent, driving results, and creating an inclusive culture.  These leaders translate your company's vision and mission into actionable goals that ensure success and accountability.  Research shows most companies invest little in developing managers' skills and mindset, even though creating a common 'playbook' with a shared language and approaches returns exponential rewards.  This comprehensive 6-part program focused on our core fundamentals facilitates building a team of empowering, empathetic and inclusive managers.  


Attendees learn:

  1. Confidence:  How to step into their new role and establish their leadership style while understanding and overcoming Impostor Syndrome in their team and themselves. 

  2. Communication:  What it means to communicate like a modern leader and how to coach their direct reports while holding them accountable.  We review how to manage team meetings and interruptions to create a psychologically safe environment where all voices are heard. 

  3. Control:  How to take control of Performance Management, from setting strategy and expectations to developing Individual Development Plans to support career growth.  We tackle time management and proactive prioritization for themselves and their direct reports plus maximizing the impact and efficiency of 1:1s and team meetings.

  4. Connections: How to build a strategic network to accelerate growth for themselves and their team.  We address personal brand building and thought leadership internally and externally.  The material also focuses on building a pipeline to attract, retain and cultivate high-performing talent.

  5. Courage: Methods to courageously deliver direct and valuable feedback while effectively managing up and across the organization.  They'll learn how to delegate and advocate for their team's needs. 

  6. Culture: We review different approaches to cultivating talent while fostering culture and collaboration, including team-building activities, recognizing and celebrating success, and helping employees find purpose and meaning in their work.


Contact us for the complete course outline and to discuss how we can tailor the program specifically for new managers (especially those with three years or less of managing direct reports).  


The Confident Communicator: How to Speak and Present with Power 

Intended Audience: General

The most effective, engaging communicators are masters of presence, message, and delivery. This workshop develops those skills by exploring fundamental communication pitfalls and methods that help you find your voice and project it fearlessly.  We start with mindset and courage, along with understanding the “Double Bind” and how this delicate balance of displaying competence and warmth is critical for women to be perceived as the leaders they are. Then we focus on their delivery and dig into the “Seven Deadly Speaking Sins” and common vocal trends to avoid, so attendees learn new techniques to elevate their message.  

Attendees will leave with:

  • Mindset and visualization techniques that build confidence for future communications 

  • Awareness of how Impostor Syndrome can negatively impact communication and techniques to overcome challenges

  • An understanding of specific challenges women face when it comes to communicating their ideas and how to balance warmth and competence

  • Knowledge of the latest vocal trends and common “Speaking Sins” that negatively affect delivery

  • Strategies to improve verbal and non-verbal communication to maximize impact

Business Storytelling: How to Transform Data into Stories to Persuade and Influence

Intended Audience: General

Crafting and delivering a compelling brand story is a critical skill for every professional. Informed by experience in journalism, sales and marketing, our proven methodology integrates the science of storytelling with the emotion of the “Hero’s Journey.” Attendees will learn how the elements of a compelling story help persuade, influence, and build long-term relationships of trust. Collaborative exercises connect business objectives with motivational drivers of the intended audience to create a sense of urgency and affect behavior. Our easy-to-implement storytelling framework makes it easy for employees at every level to tailor their presentations to the needs and priorities of their target audience, handle objections, and gain consensus to accelerate decision-making. Note: This group training can be customized to address your business and growth goals.

Attendees leave with the following outcomes:

  • An understanding of how the brain processes information.

  • A clear framework to build a memorable story that applies to both a 3-minute conversation and executive presentation.

  • Strategies that bring data to life and drive emotion through metaphors, analogies and imagery.

  • Methods to create a Questioning Strategy to uncover valuable client insights and needs.


Coaching Program Elements

  • Analysis Phase:  An initial assessment helps us understand an individual's goals, strengths, and development needs

  • 1:1 Private Coaching Sessions: Six-month minimum commitment per participant

  • Personalized Feedback + Plan:  Shared post-session with the student and his/her manager (if desired)

Skills-Based Coaching

  • Public Speaking and Presenting

  • Sales: Client Engagement & Storytelling

  • Negotiations

  • Fearless Fundamentals: Confidence, Communication, Connection, Control and Culture (details below)

We shift mindsets and behaviors through our skills-based 1:1 personalized coaching programs.  These private, supportive, and empowering sessions will transform your team into executive-level communicators, superstar sellers, strategic negotiators, and purpose-driven leaders.  Coaching is conducted either in-person or virtually (and recorded for future reference).


Once we understand an individual’s challenges, we provide a personalized plan, integrating development strategies with accountability to help our clients be more effective and fulfilled.

Fearless Fundamentals Coaching Program

Fearless Fundamentals infographic.jpg

CONFIDENCE: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome and Improve Confidence

Have you ever thought of yourself as a fraud or a fake, waiting for others to ‘find out’ that you aren’t as smart or talented as everyone thinks you are?  If you haven’t personally felt this way, your team members probably have.  Impostor Syndrome affects most women at work, but men struggle with it too.  The vast majority of professionals secretly lack confidence at work – especially as they are promoted and/or transition into new roles.  Imposter Syndrome holds high-performing, intelligent, and creative people back from achieving their potential and can wreak havoc on team dynamics.  Those touched by the impostor wand withhold their best ideas, delay taking action, burn themselves out, and compromise the team.  We will dig into the various Impostor Syndrome ‘competence types’ and understand which ones you identify with then develop strategies for overcoming these triggers. We will also address methods for managing team members who suffer from low self-confidence and how to create a culture that minimizes Impostor Syndrome.


COMMUNICATION: How to Speak and Present with Power 

The most effective, engaging communicators are masters of presence, message, and delivery. We help you understand communication pitfalls and adopt methods to develop storytelling and narrative development, engage customers and colleagues through reflexive listening, and improve verbal and non-verbal communication.  We will conduct a ‘role-play’ session for an important upcoming presentation or meeting, then deconstruct what could be ‘leveled up’ across 40 dimensions.  You will receive detailed feedback along with a plan that includes areas of focus to become a more ‘confident communicator.’


CONNECTION: Build Your Personal Board of Directors

The relationships you forge along the road to success can have a tremendous impact on your professional growth.  Research shows that men are more likely to build sponsor and mentor relationships to help them navigate tricky political situations at work and within the industry.  All too often women are told to “find a mentor or sponsor” but aren’t sure where to begin or how to do this authentically.  Together, we map out a plan of who can help you on your professional journey and how to build those win-win relationships.  You will identify your personal career growth needs and build a network of trusted partners who will share a vested interest in your future.   


CONNECTION: Network Like a Natural and Thought Leadership  

We begin by shedding the fear--breaking down the barriers that foster discomfort, anxiety, and insecurity when it comes to professional networking and/or thought leadership.  Next, we review actionable strategies to overcome those roadblocks and make it easy to unleash the fearless networker within so you can build authentic win-win relationships based on trust, commonalities, and support.  Finally, we craft a three-pronged strategic plan that empowers you to maximize networking opportunities at industry events and conferences, and online through social media. 


CONTROL: How to Achieve Work/Life Integration

In today's always-on world, most of us struggle to keep all the 'balls in the air'—balancing work, family, social lives, household duties, and self-care while striving to pursue what gives us the most meaning and happiness.  With so much on our plates, it is difficult to prioritize what matters most when our “to-do” list is never-ending.  We will develop a plan to achieve the elusive work/life equilibrium we all aspire to by creating your own Blue Sky Blueprint that helps you prioritize, formulate a strategy to say ‘no’ to unnecessary or low-priority demands, and explore ways to “outsource” asks to tip the scales in your favor.  We will also review your physical and emotional well-being goals and jointly develop plans to make them a reality.


CULTURE: How to Build an Inclusive Culture Together

Collaborative cultures drive innovation, engagement, loyalty, and the bottom line.  But while cultivating an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive equally is a priority for most leading organizations, there is no ‘playbook’ for understanding and embracing equity, until now.  We will examine the internal and external barriers holding you (and your colleagues) back from achieving your potential based on the culture at work.  We explore workplace realities like non-promotable work, the double bind, the broken rung, microaggressions, and meeting interruptions, among other challenges. You will learn new strategies to navigate, respond to and avoid some of these common workplace issues that can stunt your effectiveness at work.


Wet Cement is a flexible partner that can help you meet your business objectives by delivering tangible results. Our experienced team of C-Level executives will assist on a short or long-term basis, whether it’s to build out a customized program or provide strategic advisory services. And because Wet Cement also offers a robust training curriculum, 1:1 coaching, and engaging keynotes, we are uniquely positioned to provide integrated solutions.  

Advisory Services

Business Strategy and Program Design for:

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Initiatives

  • Employee Resource Group/Business Resource Group/Affinity Group

  • Gender Equity and Women's Leadership

  • Mentorship Programs

  • Learning and Development

  • Business Development

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